Shimano SF-1200 Bearing Maintenance
This freewheel needs some grease. I've tried turning this cover plate counter clockwise but it hasn't budged. Is that correct and I just need some penetrating oil or similar?
Untitled by ColonelJLloyd, on Flickr |
Thanks. Guess I'll need to thread it onto a wheel and use a punch and hammer.
And go in the correct direction.
I just drip midweight or heavy oil into the crack while I turn it.
Forgive me for posting dumb stuff. Chris Little Rock, AR |
The plate is righty-loosey..reverse threaded. And don't lift the body off once the plate is off..or you'll have a bunch of wee bearing balls trying to escape.
Use oil, Phil Tenacious or thick-ish auto synthetic oil..not grease. Don't want to stick either of the two pawls down.
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