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Old 03-16-2020, 08:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Spaghetti Legs View Post
That is lousy timing. I’ve been worried that the inflated market would take another 5-6 years to pop and affect my potential retirement. I hope the next year gets you where you need to be.

On a lighter but still sad note, I’m sorry to see the rug pulled out from the finale to FSU’s historic basketball season. OTOH, I’m a Duke fan and I think this saved me the pain of a sweet sixteen heartbreak.
Much thanks, my friend. I am on phased retirement anyway, so I just have one class to teach in the fall. Still, I would rather be fully retired.

Now, if I had an awesome Gios like you, that would take a lot of the pain away.
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Old 03-16-2020, 09:02 AM
Spdntrxi Spdntrxi is offline
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No School..
Wife works from home, but I still need to go in.
Eating out greatly reduced
Not happy about the the hoarding at all.
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Old 03-16-2020, 09:21 AM
loxx0050 loxx0050 is offline
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Schools in my state are cancelled starting this Wednesday (18-Mar) through the 27th. K-12 public schools I mean since it was the governor's decision. Because of that now my daycare will be closed as a result (smaller home daycare and now her kids are going to be not going to school).

My work is starting to implement a work from home if you are able. I am able but probably will have to go into the office a couple of days a week. Stayed home today because I've got a cold going on and it showed a bit this morning trying to do a ftp ramp test on Trainerroad (barely managed to hit my previous ftp test number by 1w short from 4 weeks ago despite being in the middle of the build plan 1/2 through). Was feeling strong going into the active recovery week too but oh well, I will manually bump it up for the next training block and hope my cold doesn't get worse (no fever and slight congestion is what I've far no breathing issues as long as I don't have too much mucus).

What I'm worried about is I potentially have to postpone my vacation planned for end of April. Not too worried about the airfare being able to change that. Worried about the hotel I prepaid and so far their COVID-19 policy only covers travel from now through April 12 or so. So I might have to claim my travel insurance I bought when I booked the trip for that portion but we'll see (way before the outbreak supposedly started in Wuhan late last year). I've held off on booking activities for my vacation because of a combo of procrastination and now monitoring the situation going on now. I think the hardest part of delaying the vacation is explaining to my toddler child we can't go yet as it is a birthday trip for him/me too (we share the same birthday). He isn't quite old enough to understand the scope of the current pandemic.
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Old 03-16-2020, 09:27 AM
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Both teachers at our house. Schools and Universities closed until April 6th here (at the soonest). Have to be available after next week for potential transition to online delivery mode. Our kids are going to be getting some home schooling from us starting next week....they are none too happy right that their parents are teachers! Well we are heading off to the woods for some late winter camping this week. We need a Covid-19 break. Kids are super excited to be back out camping again this winter. Everything else has been a bit heavy for them.

My wife is off work dealing with Breast Cancer and her upcoming radiation treatments will be delayed. Lucky for us she is deemed to be cancer free and the radiation is considered to be precautionary measure. All hospitals are now ending elective procedures and reallocating resources and staff to meet the incoming tide.

We are lucky and making the best of all of this and we are prepared to make whatever sacrifices are needed to help everyone get through this. It has been a great opportunity to teach our kids about doing things for the greater good and knowing that sacrifice and hardship are real and important parts of life.
Life is too important to be taken seriously
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Old 03-16-2020, 09:33 AM
skitlets skitlets is offline
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Parents wanted to retire this year and are in the hotel industry, so their hours have been severely cut. I am stowing away money to help offset.
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Old 03-16-2020, 09:40 AM
BobbyJones BobbyJones is offline
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So screwed.

Personally well prepared for the near-term, but all future income cut to $0 for now (and probably for as long as this lasts) along with most of my immediate social circle in hospitality, entertainment and any sort of sales suffering greatly.

If I hear one more salaried employee bitching about how inconvenienced they are...

I guess we all have our own problems though. C'est la vie!
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Old 03-16-2020, 09:44 AM
sitzmark sitzmark is offline
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- wife notified to WFH until further notice (SAP/finance in biotech)
- decisions taken to end winter programming for nonprofit adaptive sports organization I’m involved with. Major fundraising events severely impacted. Next step is forecasting when (if) we can safely bring summer programming online
- kicked off ski slopes at end of day yesterday. Almost all areas in USA followed CO’s decision to close for week and take stock. Unlikely many will reopen - our mountain included. Returned to Boston.
- cancelling a 60th surprise party for winter home friend. She and husband both recently in C remission so going forward with that would be stupid
- May head back to wilds of Maine and shelter in place/ skin for turns later in the week
- dealing with 80+ year old mother/MIL, both living independently at home in Seattle and KC respectively. Thought about traveling to care for them but don’t like the odds of plane travel and infecting them ... or bringing something back on return. Will go at first sign of illness but until then everyone trying to make “smart” choices. Amazoned quick scan thermometers to moms and told them to use at first sign of illness. Assembled plan of action for what ifs.
- had a couple of weeks of TP on hand from last Costco bulk package buy. Figured it was time to buy another package last Tue. None in store. For 6 days now have checked when in groc store, BJ’s, Walmart, and Costco in 3 states and still have not increased my supply of TP. Prob 6-8 rolls at winter house and maybe 9-12 at home. Hmmm is it actually possible we could run out??
- winter all but gone so first road ride under belt and will be rebuilding fitness on a bike wherever I end up
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Old 03-16-2020, 09:50 AM
nesteel nesteel is offline
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The impact isn't being felt here yet, but it will be in several weeks if not sooner. We all may get a vacation in this city if the mayor makes the announcement we all expect; closing of all non essential businesses. We'll see.
My employment has not been effected at all. I fully anticipate that to change in about a month, and stay slow for quite a while. We had planned on adding staff to my department, but that may be on hold.
My wife works for a large Omaha based child/teen centered non-profit, and the school closures are going to result in an attendance surge in her area. She may end up living on campus for a time, depending upon upper echelon decisions and staffing levels. Unfortunately, we need the income. We had that discussion on Sunday. Neither of us is happy about it, but it is what it is.
My part time summer gig is also a "non essential" business, and will disappear with any closure announcement.
If we both end up at home without pay, we're well and truly screwed.
Unless the banks holding our mortgage and car loans want to offer a temporary moratorium on payments until the crisis lets up/ends.....

But, were both healthy, our two adult children that live local are both healthy, as is the rest of my wifes family. As far as I know, my immediate family are all well.
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Old 03-16-2020, 10:35 AM
ScottW ScottW is offline
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Not a ton of impact for my job, yet. My employer (biotech company) has told desk/office-only people to work from home. People who work in labs (which I do on most days) can still come in to the building on days when we need to, for now. At another facility where we produce sample processing reagents that are needed for testing people, they have other contingencies in place so manufacturing can keep running 24/7.

Wife works an office job for a hospital system and has been told to work from home, and with schools closed until at least April 10 she will be going bonkers being home with the kids all day.

Schools closed and lots of people WFH, the traffic map around DC was as green as it gets on a weekday.

Stocks/401ks in the crapper but we're >20 years from retirement so we'll be fine in the long run. Trying to see the bright side, considering refi'ing the mortgage as the rates creep down.
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Old 03-16-2020, 10:37 AM
Jeff N. Jeff N. is offline
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Not at all. I just ride my bike.
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Old 03-16-2020, 10:45 AM
sjbraun sjbraun is offline
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I'm retired with no kids at home so that's easy. I have two risk factors, age (which I'm not really concerned about since I think my functional age is way less than my chronological age,) and an underlying health condition that leaves me with a less than fully functioning immune system.
As far as impacts, our Road Scholar hiking trip has been cancelled, we've cancelled trips to OR and San Diego planned for April. I'm avoiding crowds which means home delivery from Costco for some needed staples, (ie coffee!!!) and we'll only hit the grocery store early or just before closing.'
I won't be drinking at my local brewery, but I might pop in for a few cans to take home.
Perhaps the biggest issue is deciding how far to go with social distancing.
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Old 03-16-2020, 10:48 AM
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Originally Posted by ScottW View Post
Trying to see the bright side, considering refi'ing the mortgage as the rates creep down.
Good time to get that process started. Rates seemed to hit a bottom a week ago and started creeping up. Who knows what will happen this week...but they aren't likely to go much lower...and at least the refi process is working now. I wouldn't wait... (we refinanced in January, knocked a full point and five years off our mortgage...)
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Old 03-16-2020, 10:55 AM
jtakeda jtakeda is offline
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We’re frickin busy.

I guess all these people are at home working and are expecting all the county buildings to shut down soon.

We’re getting a ton of ****ing work. It’s kind of incredible —this idea of “i need to work from home for my safety but here’s 4 subpoenas one of them is going to a hospital in marin. Needs to be done today”

I’m gonna suggest we charge hazard pay rates
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Old 03-16-2020, 10:59 AM
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So far, so good:
  • HS kid is doing online school from home
  • College kid is home and taking finals online
  • Reduced staff at work / some working from home
  • Staff only allowed to go to their offices / floors
  • I will be setup to work from home this week.
  • Client meetings are now WebEx meetings
We always tended to have a couple weeks worth of food / household supplies on hand anyways, so no need to rush the stores for food or such. Maybe bought a few extra cans of beans, pastas and coffee.

Supporting local restaurants by ordering take-out and tipping 25%+

Wine cellar is fully we are good there.

Oh, and been planning a trip to Italy for the past year......<boom>.....gone. Well, probably postponed to next year, but who knows?
2003 CSi / Legend Ti / Seven 622 SLX

Last edited by Ozz; 03-16-2020 at 11:04 AM.
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Old 03-16-2020, 11:07 AM
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Me: NAHBS, Sea Otter and dealer/magazine visits all postponed or canceled.
Wife: working from home 100% now.
Oldest: OU: online classes cause campus is closed. Job: Nope, place is closed now.
Middle: school: closed for 3 weeks. have to do reading eggs and jiji math at home. PSR: canceled while school is closed so he has to do reading at home. Karate" closed. Needs to practice at home or watch instructional videos from the teacher online. Cub Scouts: canceled at least while school is closed, possibly longer.
Youngest: school: closed for 3 weeks. have to do reading eggs and jiji math at home. PSR: canceled while school is closed so he has to do reading at home. Fancy dancey class: closed. Daisies: canceled at least while school is closed, possibly longer.

It's definitely different. And tougher since everyone is home for a long time.

I will say this is great cause there is a wedding in St Louis in April. That side of my wife family is super racist. I hate going. So it's nice we will most likely not be going now. I hope anyways.

Last edited by Velocipede; 03-16-2020 at 11:10 AM.
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