* real name: Sean (duh)
* where do you live: San Francisco, CA * explanation of your handle: err... * explanation of your avatar: Seanelli * age (general or specific): 35 * occupation: Art Director- Advertising, Freelance Graphic Designer on the side (don't tell my boss) * favorite bike: '89 3 Rensho Katana, full Superbe Pro * what's in your stable?: 3 Rensho Katana road, 3 Rensho Track, Litspeed something or another with 11sp Record, '72 Taylor Curved tube, okay, this is getting embarrassing, I'll just stop there. Other stuff: First child on the way, 6 weeks to go and counting. Little girl. I was in the Jets (musical group) comeback video. I recently got to hang out with "Cutty" from the Wire in an LAX lounge waiting for a flight. |