real name: John
* where do you live? Seattle WA * explanation of your handle: Opened the dictionary and picked two words at random. My imagination was lacking at that the time * explanation of your avatar: Too lazy to create one. * age (general or specific): 47 * occupation: Engineering Manager - Heavy Trucks * favorite bike: It's Obvious * what's in your stable? I live in a condo so not much of a stable, Serotta Ottrott SE, Lemond Zurich (Commuter) * fastest speed on a road bike? where? when? 57ish, Riding down from Paradise on mount Rainier. * how many miles ON THE ROAD on a road bike last year? Just guessing that it was in the 4-5K range, (my bike computer sucks) * make up and answer at least one additional question: What is your favorite sport other than biking. I play on an indoor soccer team and love it even though we are the worst team in the league.. * what is the biggest lie you've ever told: I can't remember what happened * and, something fun: I love to travel, last year I went to Spain and China, this year Spain again and hopefully Argentina. |