Name: Mike
* where do you live? Long Island, NY * explanation of your handle? I ride on L.I. * explanation of your avatar - don't have one * age (general or specific) 61 * occupation - IT * favorite bike - My next one * what's in your stable? Serotta CIII, Bianchi Infinito * fastest speed on a road bike? where? when? 41; down some hill * how many miles ON THE ROAD on a road bike last year? Coming back from 2 year hiatus * picture of yourself or your ride? * what are your favorite and least favorite moments related to road biking activities? Favorite: cycling through the vineyards of LI’s north fork. Least Favorite: my 2 crashes and subsequent ambulance rides. * what is the biggest lie you've ever told - If I told you, I’d have to kill you. * and, something fun - I’m a fun grouch * How did you find the paceline Forum?* - Googling ‘Serotta’ |