* real name, if you like Essi
* where do you live? Luxembourg (in Europe) * explanation of your handle D'uh * explanation of your avatar Not sure how to set it up yet * age 28 * occupation work at the local TV station * favorite bike haven't got one yet * what's in your stable? not sure * fastest speed on a road bike? where? when? probably around 40km/h down my road driving home. * how many miles ON THE ROAD on a road bike last year? 0 due to my injury * picture of yourself or your ride? Don't really have one... * make up and answer at least one additional question. When did I learn to ride a bike? at the age of 9 because I had a terrible accident on my tricycle as a kid. * what is the biggest lie you've ever told? I don't really lie that much... I paid the last round of beers? * and, something fun. I bump into Andy Schleck quite a lot |