I've got the A530 pedals. They seemed like a good idea on paper but I found the platform too small and not secure at all. If it happens to get wet then it was very slippery. I wouldn't even bother with it's spiked brother the EH500.
Originally Posted by Fat Cat
I tried riding flats after all the recent flap about them. Replaced the spd with pd-a530 spd/flat on the market bike. Was already using Pearl Izumi X-Alp Canyon shoes so it was a no risk pedal swap. Seemed like my feet were always trying to find the right place on the flat. Simple biz to just use the other spd side so I do.
In the 80's I often rode the toe clip strap pedals on the race bike with tennies. If I was going to forgo cleates then I'd probably do that again and be able to use any sort of shoes.
BTW the X-ALP are way comfy but the soles do not seem particularly durable so walking around is OK tho hiking would likely not be.
JMO of course