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Old 05-31-2012, 01:51 PM
chuckred chuckred is offline
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No issues

I've been wearing contacts for more than 40 years, starting with the old hard plastic and now daily disposables. I've surfed, skiied, biked and pretty much everything else with them and have lost maybe 3 in that time.

I'm very near sighted, but with contacts in, need reading glasses to see anything closer than the end of my arms, so now I only use them for either cycling or skiing. (Now only 1 -2 times a week).

Once you get used to them, they take about a minute to put in, and about 10 seconds to remove. My eyes are less sensitive to wind when they're in than when they're out. Not sure why.

Basically, they are a non-issue - once you get passed the learning curve - which should be pretty short with disposables. Wash your hands, put them in, take out when done, throw away. That's about it. Drops are helpful if you are sensitive to dust, but generally I don't even bother with them.
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