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Old 08-13-2020, 07:43 PM
rnhood rnhood is offline
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I like the Specialized Creo as its well thought out and is class 3, so you can go to 28mph before the motor shuts off.

It doesn't matter whether you get a hub or crank motor, it's the class that defines its top speed. Most ebikes have 250W motors and that is plenty. Some have 250W batteries, some 500W batteries, some in between. The battery defines how far you can go. There should not be any problem riding a standard mountain metric (roughly 6k' of climbing) on 500W of battery power. Again, a 250W motor is plenty adequate - especially given that you will be imputing typically a modest 150-200W yourself. With 400+ watts going into your drive train, you will be climbing like Froome. A 500W crank motor will only add unnecessary weight, and power.

Some bikes have provisions for adding a second battery water bottle. These usually include a 250'ish Watt battery standard, and can be expanded to about 400W with the added water bottle battery. I believe the Creo is like this.

I prefer double chainrings but on an e'bike, a single is fine. Most will still provide a 1:1 granny gear so there should not be any problem climbing any hill on any bike route. I can't comment on loaded touring, and I suspect a touring e-bike is a little different. Maybe more battery capacity, more gear range, maybe stronger motor, etc.
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