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Old 08-18-2018, 05:02 AM
Never Never is offline
Join Date: Aug 2018
Posts: 45
For plural: "les"; for old men: "vieux" (women: "vielles").

Les vieux cyclistes - (the old cyclists)
Les vieux coureurs - (the old cyclists)
Les vieux domestiques - (the old workers)
Les vieux grimpeurs - (the old climbers)
Les vieux puncheurs - (the old punchers)
Les vieux rouleurs - (the old all-rounders)
Les vieux sprinteurs - (the old sprinters)
Les vieux vélocipédeurs / vélocipédiers / vélocipédistes - (the old men riding even older bicycles)
Les vieux VSalonistes - (the old men who post 'over there' and wish they were a French any of the above)
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