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Old 05-14-2019, 12:45 PM
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kppolich kppolich is offline
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Originally Posted by FlashUNC View Post
It's not that simple when communities have been together for nearly a century. And in some cases, yes, people are being forced to leave particularly if you don't own where you've been living, which is entirely possible after a century of redlining and other socio-economic issues.
Socio-economic doesn't jive here. It's about competition.

Current residents that can't afford to stay don't have the skills necessary to compete with other potential job seekers, and thus lose out on more money that they would need to make in order to stay. That's competition. If they did have the skills they would beat out others for those jobs and have the $ to pay the rising cost of living that comes with the rush of everyone moving to a tech-tropolis.

Keeping out potential high earners looking to move to the Bay Area isn't fair to them either. You work your whole life to get a good job, make good money and want to move to the bay area and work for FB, GOOG, etc. They want to live as close to work as possible, and that it their right. They shouldn't be forced to live farther away and commute more because people have chosen to keep their basic skills/job in 2019 that hasn't seen wage growth/opportunity like technology.

I'm 100% for a fair shake, but i'm 150% for competition.

Let's say they do protect the housing cost, but everything else around them keeps going up in price. More expensive places to eat, shop, schools, etc. Those people who stay and have cheap rent won't be able to afford to keep up with the other stuff around them, so they are silo'd in a rich neighborhood, surrounded by things they can't afford. Where does it stop? Reduced food prices, schools, etc for those same folks who have reduced rent? That doesn't seem very fair to the others around there either.

Last edited by kppolich; 05-14-2019 at 12:49 PM.
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