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Old 02-24-2012, 01:11 AM
Doug Fattic Doug Fattic is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 736
What interests me most about this fixture is their marketing strategy. I don't know if the designers/makers are the ones putting out word and then having their buddies follow it up with positive comments or what. Whatever, it seems they have gotten a lot of eyes to see what they've made.

Whether or not this fixture could even work for someone (a much lower standard than working well) would depend on their methods of making a frame. There are a number of methods that can get the job done. My way is to simply spot braze a frame (or parts of a frame) in a fixture and then straighten it out on a flat table and then braze it in free space. If one was actually brazing or welding a joint in this fixture it wouldn't work.

Among the problems I see is that the V blocks appear to for one size of tubing (standard? oversize?), it doesn't have any reference marks so how are its positions accurately set to a specific frame design? The list goes on. I'm assuming most visitors to this subject post aren't wannabe framebuilders on the cheap so I needn't be more specific.
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