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Old 09-23-2021, 12:50 PM
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Originally Posted by oldpotatoe View Post
Sure, a few people buying e-bikes and some buying e-cars WILL have an effect on 'emissions' but unless there is some sort of crisis, as in fuel shortage or something else(certainly not a pandemic) that forces people to make these huge changes..sorry, I don't see it. It's all about convenience, and $ for the vast, vast majority of in the US and certainly elsewhere, particularly in countries where the 'daily grind' is pretty much just surviving.

Considering the huge divides between people right now on things pretty simple, like public health, I don't see how 'civic leaders' do anything to promote bike use or anything like that. Perhaps make dino-powered car use more inconvenient or more expensive...but..sorry, I am cynical and pessimistic when it comes to these sorts of threads.
Things proposed by 'my side of the isle'-thumb's up..proposed by the 'other side of the isle'-thumb's down..even on the same issue.

Another point, that points to 'convenience' 70 YO, I can assure you I won't be buying an ebike to go to the grocery, I'm sure I'm not alone.

Perhaps if 'collectively' but the majority of people on planet earth aren't going to 'do' anything...Even in the oh so much else, it's a political football..'They say it?', automatic NO, even if it IS the right thing to do for our and our children's collective survival. Too much money, influence, bribes..all short term stuff...

The earth is in real trouble, no doubt about it but too many people(majority?) chose to fiddle...and argue....while rome burns.
Originally Posted by oldpotatoe View Post
That's true globally also but again..considering the statistics, it's not gong to change anytime soon. 'People' and too many of them, are the real problem. And all the things needed to support these billions, is what is killing this planet.

Take a trip to rural, anywhere 'earth', talk to a few animal ranchers...propose a big reduction in the things that produce a YUGE amount of greenhouse gases..see what they say(Meat production is a $200BILLiON++ industry in the US..worldwide..MUCH higher)...

WE need this and maybe not even that will stop this slide.

Klaatu barada nikto
Meat production is over $800B globally.

Compare that with global consumer purchases, which are $60-80 trillion (ten thousand times higher) or the US economy, which is $15-20T.

Consumers have the ability to change the market, but do not. The other option is to change the markets and let consumers respond.

It's this second option that is happening. It's possible to do this by, say, setting a price on carbon, but people are avoiding that because they want to understand transition risk. The bigger problem is the role of natural disasters that are climate related (hurricanes, convective storms, floods, fires). This exposure to climate risk is the thing that needs to be disclosed now. That's where the market is changing. That exposure is baked in to all financial transactions but we have a really poor understanding of what the numbers actually are.
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