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Old 07-15-2019, 07:43 AM
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Originally Posted by oldpotatoe View Post
I heard yesterday on NPR that ONE flight from LA to NY results in 32 square feet of arctic ice melting...Not sure how they get to that but aircraft are VERY dirty..comparatively.

BUT unless some of these items get scarce, maybe expensive, but scarce..don't expect use to change much. Few people do these things mentioned because 'it's good for the environment'..most use these items because they are cheap and plentiful.

Sorry, pretty cynical about this. Having national leaders poo-poo all this in the name of $ doesn't help.

WE probably aren't screwed(baby boomers) but our kids and most certainly or grand kids are...Watch Soylent Green again...
I heard all trees would vanish from the planet when I was about 10yoa. At the time I loved to draw and I asked for paper for my birthday present because I was so scared of losing all the trees and not having paper. It never occurred to me that the loss of toilet paper would have posed a much greater hardship if that disastrous scenario had occurred.

That galvanized my distrust of scientific reports and data and also led to my disbelief that we are causing any of this warming. The planet is warming because that what it do. We are in that cycle and it will cool and warm and cool and warm again ad infinitum.

I'm going to drink through plastic straws and wear nitrile gloves while wiping myself with the best damn products I can find.

Recycle, reuse (well, not the wipes, and conserve when you can. I love the thought of harnessing power from your best available resources whatever they may be, but I am thoroughly unconvinced that this fear mongering is the proper use of science. The salvation of $100k all electric cars does not help anything. It does nothing to minimize the ecological deficit it provides. You just can't convince me otherwise.

I realize I am in the minority here, but my conscience can't allow me to believe things that are unproven or illogical. I am terrible at maths but this math just doesn't work for me.
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