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Old 09-17-2021, 05:08 PM
Doug Fattic Doug Fattic is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 736
When I started teaching frame building classes as a college course in 1976, about a third of my students were female. General ed requirements at that time included some kind of industrial arts course and making a custom frame/bicycle seemed more interesting to some than other required gen ed classes. In the last 15 years I suppose about 1 out of a dozen of my students were women. It is always dangerous to generalize on gender characteristics but all of them did very to extremely well. I can't remember any that struggled. The ones that had some kind of fine arts background did a super job carving lugs (if they wanted something different). That involved creating the design as well as cutting them out of blanks. That is a bit of a process. My application of my observations is that any resistance to learning how to make a frame is based on lack of interest and not abilities.
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