Thread: 9/11 2001
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Old 09-12-2017, 11:19 AM
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cderalow cderalow is offline
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I was in my 1st class of the day at WPI in Worcester MA. about halfway into my first quarter of freshman year of college.

I recall getting out of class and someone saying that a plane had hit the WTC and thinking, well that's happened a couple of times before in NYC with small planes hitting tall buildings there.

Went back to my dorm room and watched all of it unfold live on TV with an entire floors worth of my peers on the TV in the triple across the hall.

I later worked as a student assistant for one of the Materials guys they used to help determine why the towers fell (inclusive of his bit on TV), and the company my mother worked for helped transport debris from downtown across the river to Fresh Kills on Staten where they further sorted and searched it by barge.

I went to the memorial for the first time earlier this summer. My kids are too young to understand what a monumental change to our world it made. It was hard to explain anything to them without almost breaking down there in the memorial museum. some of the video and audio clippings were absolutely haunting and I still can't watch any of the video of the 2nd plane hitting or the tower falling without feeling violently ill, so the museum was a bit tough for me.
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