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Old 04-19-2019, 01:35 PM
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Buzz Buzz is offline
Viva Chamucos
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 621
The chart is interesting. What “expert” came up with it? Really, CNN, The NY Times and WashingtonPost are at the center indicating minimal political bias?? The same NY times that has endorsed only two republican presidential candidates (one of whom was Eisenhower) in the past 100 years? The same NY times that knowingly published a false front page article during McCain’ presidential run implying that he was having an affair with a lobbist even though the editors knew it wasn’t true or refusing to publish a letter by McCain in response to a policy position by then candidate Obama because the editor of the times deemed MCains response not newsworthy? Why would an supposedly apolitical news outlet do those things especially during a presidential campaign when voters were relying on it to understand the candidates?

I am a lifelong subscriber to The NY Times but it’s political bias is pretty obvious. Which makes me question the reliability of said chart.

Things have changed out there. My good friends father was the editor of a large city daily. A real old school newsman. To this day I never figured out his political affiliation. Now it seems to be a prerequisite for a media position (or even university level teaching position)

Everything politically related you see, read and hear is filtered and sent out with a purpose in mind, is skewed by the perspective of those preparing it...and in essence is becoming no different than the intent behind advertising - to sell something whether it’s the Democratic Party, the Republican Party or newest flavor Green socialism.

Anyway, I agree with the OP and have also moved to limit social media interfacing and others’ comments on how they are dealing with the avalanche of news, opinion, vitriol.

I recently finished a trial and during the initial jury selection opposing counsel kept asking the prospective jurors what news outlets they listened to. You used to get answers to that 20 years ago. Now, most say they don’t watch tv news because there is too much yelling and it’s hard to understand what’s true or not. Quite a shift and not a particularly good endorsement of current news media.
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