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Old 04-15-2015, 11:50 PM
Wolfman Wolfman is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Westside Los Angeles
Posts: 420
I wouldn't be surprised if your double vision were related to low blood sugar. Patients with insulinomas (insulin-secreting tumors) have been known to have diplopia and a lot of the "neuroglycopenic" (not enough glucose for the central nervous system) symptoms (irritability, confusion, headache, difficulty speaking) are said to occur at around a blood sugar of 50.

It goes without saying that this is not medical advice, but if it were me and it resolved and I felt well, I'd stay the course but make sure to monitor myself closely and make an appointment soon. If it's happened again without exertion, or happens again even when I was all topped up, I need to make an urgent appointment.
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