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Old 02-02-2023, 12:43 PM
flying flying is offline
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Originally Posted by 2LeftCleats View Post
Prior to my ablation, I carried flecainide and metoprolol on rides. Took them several times for a fib events. Didn’t always stop the episodes quickly and the beta blocker made it very difficult to exert.
Yes I was once put on Metoprolol & it was the same. Took it twice & gave it up. My resting heart rate is too low for such things

Originally Posted by rnhood View Post
Doc finally recommended an ablation, and I wish this had been done sooner. Although I still have some minor episodes of PVC's and some afib, I do anything I want.
That ablation gave me a life again. Taking drugs isn't the answer. .
I had an ablation back in 2012 & like you it pretty much cured the long events. Just short ones after that that end quickly. But now I am having these spikes...
probably hundreds a day. I am not on anything but am seeing a cardiologist about them, As they are mainly psvt it is not critical. But I wondered about that pill in pocket as a means to reset as it were.

Last time I had these they lasted a month

I know many who have had an ablation later need another. Will see how this goes.
It is actually not bad more like a shiver is all you feel. Not like the old days when it would run for hours then need an adenosine shot at the ER to stop them

But it is disturbing to see on my heart monitor a blast to 200 bpm I know it is not real beats but a shortcut/pathway but still disturbing
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