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Old 02-02-2023, 06:04 AM
rnhood rnhood is offline
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I was on flecainide and metoprolol for 6 years, and my afib continued to get worse - though the flecainide did help some, at least at first. Doc finally recommended an ablation, and I wish this had been done sooner. Although I still have some minor episodes of PVC's and some afib, I do anything I want. That ablation gave me a life again. Taking drugs isn't the answer. Having said this, afib can be caused by heart defects, which I did not have. Mine was only paroxysmal which is not an immediate problem, other than it can get worse over time and lead to persistent afib. You don't want that, so go ahead and ask your doc for an ablation recommendation.

when you have a fixable problem, fix it.
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