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Old 05-07-2012, 04:25 PM
rkalams rkalams is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 142
Touring Cyclists = No Love from Roadies (why?)

Normally I wouldn't start a thread about something that has been discussed ad nausem all over the internet (roadie elitism) but I've experienced this on several occasions and it's beyond bizarre. Here's my experience:

I'm a mountain biker by preference but since moving up north and away from the trailhead I've started road riding again, mainly for conditioning for bikepacking (backcountry cycle touring on mountain bike) and road touring. Typically I take out my CX bike for road duty, wearing helmet, full kit, etc. and do 40-60 mile rides. Everytime I'm "roadie"-ed out I get nods and waves from other road cyclists. I always exchange a few words of "hello" "great weather" or the like when passing other riders and the courtesy is always returned.

Now here is the bizzarre part. About 1 in 3 rides I will load up my bike with full soft bags (pretty much this), put on my touring clothing (baggie shorts, hi vis tank top or tee) and head out and do the exact same rides, at nearly the exact same pace, just to keep my legs use to the extra weight. I'd say 1 in 4 people, maybe even less, wave/nod or say hello (usually it's the more experienced [older] crowd), the rest don't even acknowledge when I say hello when passing. This happened today in "touring mode": I pulled over to adjust one of my bags, while doing so another rider passes me. I get back on my bike and start riding again. He's moving at a pretty solid pace and I don't really want to ride any quicker so I give him like 25 yards space and basically end up matching his speed all the way back into town. I pull up next to him at the light, say hello and he just looks at me, shakes his head a little, doesn't say a word and rides off. This guy did an excellent job at perpetuating the "roadie elistism" stereotype but to what purpose?

Are "touring cyclists" not considered "hardcore enough" riders to warrant the roadie's respect? (I think of motorcyclist waving to eachother on the road but ignoring scooters who try and elicit a thumbs up or wave) Do some of these guys have too big of egos and get upset when being passed by a "touring cyclist" at a fast clip? I don't get it but it happens every time I change setups and it's impossible to ignore.
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