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Old 09-12-2019, 09:09 PM
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Originally Posted by joosttx View Post
I hear it only works only in cold weather as a PED for cycling. FWIW, if you are around 35-45 being prescribed with ADHD is another way of saying you are getting old and you cannot work as hard as you did when you were younger. Ask yourself if that is the case? Also, ask yourself how you are ever going to get off an additive drug once you start taking it and is it worth dealing with the withdrawals. I would say talk to your doctor but it is not like the medical profession can protect you from becoming addicted to their products.
Just thought I would point out that true ADHD patients treated with stimulants have a different reaction than non ADHD brain responses to stimulants. The stimulants for ADHD actually paradoxically slow impulses through over stimulation, while a non ADHD brain just gets high. Oversimplification, but it is the non ADHD brain that will become an addict. On a tangent, but interesting - there is research supporting using opioids to treat narcolepsy as they raise brain levels of orexin (aka hypocretin), a neurotransmitter absent or at extremely low levels in narcoleptics, (due to a suspected autoimune response killing the neurons that produce it) but that same neurotransmitter is found in extremely high levels in opioid addicts. The point is not all brains are the same; not all brains are as likely to become addicted. Good stuff... and why it is important to confer with specialists and a multidisciplinary team. It is almost impossible to stay current in any single field, much less area's that overlap. Best of luck!
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