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Old 10-20-2004, 03:30 PM
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Rant coming

First of all, consider who is working on your bike. Is it a long time employee of the shop or a 17 year old with his first job? You have a right to ask "who will be working on my bike?"

You OUGHT to check your bike, not just when you get home from the shop, but also before any and every ride. Whose responsible? You are. A pilot checks his plane before every flight. We aought to check our bikes before every ride.

Some of you guys act like victims. Bike shops are not the big evil out there. If bike shops go down guess what? Our sport goes down with it. That's right, the internet shops are ONLY in business because of the shops that actually let you ride stuff, try stuff on , have stuff built up on the floor, bail you out when you break a spoke or rear deraileur. If the shops dry up, the trade shows dry up and so does the internet business. Honestly, we're being penny wise and pound foolish by doing the "end-around". I've heard people proudly say they to go try a pair of shoes on in a shop and then go order them from Nashbar. Or go for a test ride at the local shop and then order from Comp Cyclist or Colorado. That's great for you in the short run. But why in the world should the shop owner treat you with one grain of respect when you then bring in your bike to be fixed? What happens when he can't afford to stock Sidi's or carry Serotta or Calfee or whatever? We are all hurt by that.

Are all shop owners ethical? No. Obviously. Are they getting wealthy scamming people every day? Certainly not. Do they get tired of people expecting PERFECTION and nickle and diming them when they break some ultra-light "bike candy" they shouldn't have been riding anyway? Yeah, it does get old.

Folks, lets have some thoughtful replies here and quit piling on.

I'll stop now. Yeah, I feel much better....self righteously said
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