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Old 02-23-2018, 10:42 PM
dddd dddd is offline
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kramnnin wrote:
"...I'm just curious what causes the dead feeling. Though...a frame that feels dead to me may feel lively to someone else... "

I would first look very carefully at the weight and performance level of the wheels, tires and even tubes, then the frame, particularly the front and rear center dimensions and the frame's weight.

Lastly the rider's fit, down to details like handlebar width and stem length, anything that might make the bike feel more laborious to put power into (while seated and while standing).

I regularly refurbish older bikes and notice that an old-school chain seems to absorb a lot of power in response to any given degree of cross-chaining, also that some components like bottom brackets or derailer pulleys can have a lot of bearing/seal drag from old grease.
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