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Old 12-08-2017, 08:36 AM
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Originally Posted by fa63 View Post
Care to elaborate why? I realize the study is not the height of science, but curious to hear why you think it is nonsense.
i didnt read the whole thing, admittedly, but the reason i think it's nonsense is that the test failed to mention the actual braking performance.

the whole point of the exercise of braking is to slow the bike down, obviously.

how well do the alleged class leaders do of actually producing friction to slow the wheel?

for example, any wheel could have won that test with a slick brake track. less friction = less heat developed = lasting longer under brake pressure.

but that would be a failure for braking.

the reason (probably) the other rims failed first is that the brake tracks developed more friction force, which would, on the road, slow the bike faster, but under a constant drive (as in the test) they just develop more heat, and fail faster.

it's also a crap argument that they used all the same brake pads, when other rim manufacturers clears specify a brake pad compound.
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