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Old 04-25-2011, 10:06 AM
picstloup picstloup is offline
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Location: Montpellier, France
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Originally Posted by wordbuzz
Yes, 1happygirl, I actually looked at Terry bikes. Georgena Terry rocks! She takes women bikers seriously and designs for them. I didn't get a Terry because I really wanted a Ti bike. I also thought that having the bike designed specifically for me would guarantee me a better fit. I wanted to buy American, and everything I read about Ben Serotta and the Serotta bike itself made me a believer. I've been a lurker on forums for a long time, and I really did a lot of research. I just didn't know enough to ask the right questions. I consider this bike to be my first bike, really, at least first bike that was such an investment. My other bikes were always off the rack, and weren't this quality. Like I said, it was a reward for surviving some pretty challenging life issues. I felt like I had one shot and that was going to be it. I bought based on reputation, but I didn't really understand bike design numbers and how everything worked together. I was leaving that up to the fitter and Serotta. Kind-of like the way you trust your doctor to be up to speed on your medical care. You can't know it all. You have to trust the experts. So I put my research time into finding the experts. Now I am sadder, poorer, but much wiser.
Dear may be too late, you waited many years, but I'd contact serotta direct, explain this all, or just send your initial post, and see if they can help you...I would think they'd want to make this right...

I it any place in writing that the fitter promised/guaranteed no overlap?...if yes, that will matter, serotta should know they have a fitter not doing their job, or at least not being honest about expected results...

reading about all the 'near misses' on the street because of this problem would ruin any pleasure in owning this bike...

I might also visit a few bike shops for rides on stock bikes that fit you...see if you can find something that works...then maybe talk to serotta?...or at least know for yourself that what you want is doable...

good luck to you on should have what you want and need to make riding a pleasure, especially after laying down so much cash...

Last edited by picstloup; 04-25-2011 at 10:11 AM.