Thread: Ot 30 Day Trial
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Old 03-18-2010, 01:57 PM
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William William is offline
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Originally Posted by David Kirk
I am one of the people who think this place is better with an OT section. If asked I give my opinion. If some have gone to the mods behind the scenes then forum politics have taken place and IMO that's how the world works. Do I like that this is the way it is? Absolutely not. I'm at the front of the line saying that politics suck. Do I think this will change and that the mods will do the 'right thing' for all involved based on their best opinions and experiences? No, I do not. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

If this is right and it's just politics taking place then you are making your displeasure known and maybe it will sway the mods. On the other hand maybe it won't. In the end it's plus/minus one click either way. Some will win and others will lose. Those terms being a bit strong considering we are talking about 1 additional click, or not.

Lastly before I get some metal work done..... I don't know that the majority has spoken and that the old way is the preferred way. I know I come here much less often and I post less often due to the OT threads and political threads. I know of people who have left this place because of the OT threads and their tone. I know others who stay away because of them. Frankly I personally find them offensive and I already find myself looking in the GD area more often now that I don't have to wade through thread titles concerning things I'm passionate about but don't want to talk about here. The majority of the OT and political threads have few folks that post over and over again in them. It feels to me that the people that really want to argue about global warming are few but if the thread is in the GD area we are all exposed to it. Just like the classifieds or galleries.

In the end it's something we share our opinion on and then accept the results. We have no rights here. This place is a gift to us and if the giver wants to change the gift so be it. If not, so be that. This is not a democracy. It's a company sponsored forum and it needs to meet their needs for them to feel it's time and money well spent. If you and I don't like the outcome there are other cycling forums out there to hang out in. Some have a GD area where anything goes and some don't. Freedom of choice is cool.

Well said. I agree with you on some points, disagree on others. That's life. In the end, it will be what it will be.

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