Thread: Ot 30 Day Trial
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Old 03-18-2010, 12:25 PM
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David Kirk David Kirk is offline
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I don't think that there is anything nefarious going on here. I think some people would like the general discussion area to be filled with bike related stuff only and some feel that the GD area should be unlimited. It's just a difference of opinion.

I think enough people told the powers that be that the non bike stuff was stuff they didn't want to see and stuff they didn't want to wade through so the powers that be have set up a 30 day trial to see how it works and which way is preferred. I appears to me that if at the end of 30 days it's determined that most like it one way or the other then that's how it will be.

I don't understand why some are so upset. There's a reason we don't have the photo galleries mixed in with GD. It makes them easy to find and keeps them from making GD hard to navigate. Same with 'fitting" and classifieds. Separate them so that the people that want to see them can find them quickly and easily and those that don't can see what they came to see. It seems to me that it's a win-win deal. Want to see what your fellow forumites think about climate change? Click on OT. Want to see if they have something for sale that you might be interested in? Click on the classifieds. Want to focus on cycling? Stay out of OT. What is wrong with that? I don't recall there being an uproar when the photo galleries were set up. No one said they have the right to post photos of their Colnago in the GD section. They put them in the gallery and if you want to see them you go there.

What is the core issue here?

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