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Old 10-01-2004, 06:03 AM
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William William is offline
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Herding nomads won't
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Exclamation Your first "REAL" road bike?

Sorry if I'm re-hashing something that has already been done.

What was your first "real" road-racing bike?

I'm not going to count the Lime Green Schwin Varsity, or the Schucks Monte Carlo, or any of the BMX racers I had. My first "road racing" bike was a 1993 Fuji Roubaix. 63cm, 59-ish TT. 105 equipped with DT shifters. After the first ten miles I chucked the saddle that came with it and tried a few others until I found one that agreed with me. I switched out the original stem and seat post to get the reach and height I needed (Zoom mtb stem & AC mtb post). I also switched out the 175mm 105 crank set for DA 180mm. Other than that I raced it just as you see it. Even though it was a wet noodle when sprinting, it had a nice feel to it and I won a lot races on it. Unfortunately right after this photo was taken, the frame was broken in a crit. In the last corner, someone planted a pedal and caused a major pile up. I was able to avoid the guy who caused it when he slid across the ground in front of me, but I shot off the course into a big Rhododendron bush...ouch!

What was yours?

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Last edited by William; 10-19-2013 at 07:36 AM.
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