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Old 12-28-2007, 04:03 PM
Dr. Doofus
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Fixed
bro i a dumb bike mess but i don't get it a cda is a new bike fat tubed not lugged and a tig right get the fork they sell
if you want a steel fork go somewhere else imho
yeah...if you want tig and steel fork just get the hampsten giroissimo

what i don't get is 3k for a TIG steel bike

i am now going to say some stupid****:

3,000.00 for a TIG steel frame/fork. if i was dropping that much coin -- when there are plenty of cats out there like carl strong or joe depaemelaere or paul sadoff or the co-motion cats who can build you a modern steel race bike for half that. for 3,000 you could have dario weld you a frame. what i'm sayin is that for 3,000 there better be some dang pixie dust...not just the serotta heritage, but that kelly bedford measures you off himself, not some "fit technician" and then goes down to torch your rig.

apologies to ben and co for abusing any of their hospitality. its their dime. i'm just having a hard time swallowing that price for that frame.
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