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Old 05-03-2024, 02:41 PM
makoti makoti is offline
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Originally Posted by Alistair View Post
Are you sure you want the OM-1 (of whatever generation) vs the OM-5/E-M5? I have an E-M5ii and it's been great. I'm considering jumping to the OM-5 to get some of the new features (better weather sealing, virtual ND or whatever they call it). Whenever I've handled an OM-1 at the shop, it feels just enough bigger/heavier to put me off it - the whole reason I went Olympus over Fuji was size/weight). And the feature set isn't all that different right now.
And now I do.
Went today to handle the camera (it was the OM EM1, which is supposed to be very similar to the OM-1), and as soon as I picked it up I knew it was good. Not that much bigger and I didn't really notice the weight in the few minutes I held it. I'm sure I would for 2 hours or more, but not today. The grip really felt good in my hand, so that nails it down a bit more for me.
Thanks for mentioning holding it, because I'm not sure I would have made myself go pick one up, otherwise
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