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Old 04-29-2024, 07:42 PM
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jkbrwn jkbrwn is offline
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Ok. Used it again today for 120k on some incredibly empty and one very busy road. Big trees basically everywhere obscuring bends even more and stuff.

I was passed by hundreds of cars. Worked flawlessly except for two small hiccups:

There was a car tailing another so so closely that it didn’t pick up the second car - it may as well have been on a trailer behind the first car, it was that close.

Another one did something similar to what I mentioned in the first post. Alerted of car presence, went round bend, car disappears from radar and did not reappear despite it still being there and ultimately passing me.

This is fine by me given it’s half the price of the Varia. As I said up thread, this is an aid, not a replacement for my eyes and ears.
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