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Old 04-27-2024, 02:19 PM
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jkbrwn jkbrwn is offline
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Originally Posted by froze View Post
What did you not like about the ROK? Inquiring minds want to know!

Reviews have been pretty good with the ROK, some people have a bit more difficulty with it vs others, but those who learn how to use it seem to like it a lot, so just want your take on it because it is less expensive than the others.

What was your take on the Robot vs the 58?
Ergonomically it just wasn’t that pleasant to use. I didn’t like the way the pf locked into it. It was hard to get a good scale under there due to an awkward base plate size. I didn’t like the spout over naked pf. It required a good two pre heat rounds to get the body hot enough. It’s solid metal so it’s just a huge heat sink unfortunately.

The robot is the easiest machine to use out there IMO. Genuinely doesn’t need preheating and pretty hard to mess things up.

However, I have way more control over the 58. I can very reliably use lighter coffee than I could with the Robot. It’s nicer to use ergonomically IMO. It’s easier to pull back to back shots with it due to the temp stability. It is also compatible with industry standard size accessories which was a big deal. I also prefer general workflow with the 58 but that’s personal I guess.

I’d happily own either tbh. The Robot is obviously more charming than the 58. But temp stability ultimately has lead to more consistent shots and that was priority number one.
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