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Old 04-24-2024, 06:39 PM
Permanent socks Permanent socks is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2022
Location: On my bike
Posts: 144
I've been waxing my chains for 3 years now.

Started with a second hand crock pot and canning parafin and ptfe powder, I quickly ditched the ptfe. It wasn't worth the cost or effort.
Always starting with a new factory shimano dura ace chain. I cleaned them using a acetone and mineral spirits until there was no residue after wiping with a micro fiber cloth.

Results were great and the only downside was the decreasing process.

This year I bought a silca hot pot and their strip chip product. A bag of super secret blend wax and a bottle of drip wax.

Results are much better. Next time I buy a bag of wax, I'm going to use their decreasing liquid instead of strip chip.
Reason for this is because you can only strip 6 chains for a bag of wax vs 16+ for the bottle of stripper.

Using the silca hot pot means the wax is melted at the correct temps now so there is no chance of burning and ruining the wax.

Drip wax is for weekly applications as needed with 2 chains being rotated monthly with about 800 to 1000km of use per chain.

Excluding the hot pot cost. I'll spend $80 to $100CAD to maintain 6 chains for 2 seasons of training and racing with about 30,000 km ridden.

Using dry and wet lubes and cleaning and re lubing chains would have cost me about the same, excwpt now I have no grease stained socks.

Last edited by Permanent socks; 04-24-2024 at 06:43 PM.
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