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Old 04-18-2024, 10:58 AM
accordvsick accordvsick is offline
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Originally Posted by Kyle h View Post
We stayed in Port de Soler and rode up Puig Major, down Sa Colabra and then turned around and went back up Sa Colabra and over Puig Major beach to our home base. I would start early as traffic exponentially increased as the day went on. We left Soler around 6am I think and had the descent, and climb, almost entirely to ourselves. People in Spain are not known for doing anything before 10 which works out well for those of us who like to ride early. It’s absolutely beautiful though and you should really do it if you can.

Edit: correction we left at 7. Here’s my strava activity.
Thanks for this. Did you end up riding cap formentor as well? We are staying at a house on the south side in Cala Pi so still trying to figure out what’s going to work. I imagine I’m only going to be able to sneak away for half day (probably 5 am to noon) type of thing and not ride with a guilty conscience lol. And in Barcelona I’ll be in the Carretera de Puiggraciós area…. Looks mountainous so I’ll be able to get out more often since I’ll be there the Marjority of the time with friends.
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