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Old 04-15-2024, 09:56 AM
EB EB is offline
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: This is a no biking trail, California
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Originally Posted by spoonrobot View Post
Why are you offended that I asked what gravel fork(s) you've ridden?

Does it wound your pride so severely to say "I haven't ridden any" or "I rode X and it sucked"?

Questions aren't personal attacks and you don't need to stomp off every time someone asks to clarify why you hold the opinion that you do on a given topic.
You responded with a flurry of aggressive messages, including images. You clearly are heavily invested in proving that I am “wrong.” In previous encounters, you have resurrected months old threads (the one on Legion) to send me disgusting images as a perceived “own” for some idle half-serious comment that I made. Generally I avoid any thread that you’re involved in because you seem to have some personal vendetta against me and so I don’t find it helpful to respond to you in any substantive fashion.
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