Thread: DexaFit visit
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Old 04-13-2024, 05:40 AM
mjf mjf is offline
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Originally Posted by NHAero View Post
I watched the HR on the screen and i'm pretty sure I saw 178 bpm which I have never seen on my H10 (I'm 70). The results on the graph they gave me showed a max of 173 bpm. VO2 Max with 39.6 ml/kg/min, based on the weight I gave them, they don't weigh you
Caveat: Optical arm bands are sub standard and are not as accurate or precise as the gold standard of an EKG or Polar H10. If it's a random spike in reading it's not a ton to worry about. Outside of that speaks to the quality of the equipment and the interpretation from the person running the test.

As a physiologist, there's some tolerance in your heart rate, but hitting 178bpm (118% of your predicted max of 150) is out of the range of what I'd consider safe and I would have stopped your test before you got close to that number.

Broad HR things when equipment is known to be working, accurate, and used correctly.
  • Outliers should be filtered out from the report as abnormalities in readings.
  • Consistent out of bounds numbers generally indicate 1 of 2 scenarios
    1. Equipment is failing to read properly and may need to be resecured, relocated, or replaced.
    2. HR is actually going that high above predicted max
      • **Stop test**
      • Sending you to the hospital if you have any symptoms
      • Otherwise cardiologist for a proper workup
Complaint: They don't weigh you? For a measure that relies on weight as a defining factor? What?

As someone in the field, reading some of their reviews and your experience, that place sounds like a mess.
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