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Old 04-11-2024, 12:47 PM
aliasfox aliasfox is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2023
Posts: 20
Just wanted to add my 2 cents:

I bought a RideNow TPU tube a few months back just to see what the hype was about - and yeah, even compared to a nice Continental Race (most of the butyl tubes on the shelf), it was significantly lighter. I had no reason to pop it into a tire until recently - I signed up for an 81mi, 6100ft ride this coming weekend, so I figured I would take every advantage I could get to make it to the end. Front wheel gets a fresh GP5000 (from the Ultra Sport 2 that's been on there for >5k mi), rear end gets the TPU tube. A little less weight, a little less rolling resistance, everyone's happy, right?

Topped up the rear tire to 100psi immediately before a 27mi ride. Checked with the same pump gauge immediately after the ride, <2hrs later: 65psi. I just popped the butyl tube back in, as I'm pretty sure I don't want to have to look for a floor pump at the rest stops.

As an aside, after sitting on the side of a MUP for half an hour trying to get a tire up to usable pressure using a Blackburn hand pump (and eventually saved by a passing cyclist who gave me the rest of his CO2 cartridge)... I'm pretty sure I'll be carrying CO2 for a while. Or at least my barely frame-mountable Topeak Morph.
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