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Old 04-06-2024, 06:12 AM
gravelreformist gravelreformist is offline
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Originally Posted by bicycletricycle View Post
I don’t really know how accurate the average power meter is but this seems like it might be deep into diminishing returns.

Can anyone point me to a good read on comparative accuracies of different power meters? Do some drift over the time and need recalibration? Do manufacturers offer recalibration? I think I remember sending an early SRM back for calibration (square taper with that crazy SRM handlebar computer, was it wired??

For most people using these for training I would imagine consistency is more important than absolute accuracy?
Accuracy is pretty important as well because many people will use different power meters at times. In today's data-driven environment, a single ride with a different meter can negatively impact your data in a way that can be difficult to reconcile.

My current experience with 3 different power meters (pedal, crank arm, trainer) is that they are all accurate enough (minus some early issues with the pedals) that I can't tell a difference between them. I think 1% accuracy is a good target. 2% is on the edge. Anything over that is too much.
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