Thread: "Experts"
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Old 04-02-2024, 05:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Mark McM View Post
A true expert knows the limits of their knowledge, and accepts that what is known in any field is subject to change. That's why they start all their statements with phrases like "to the best of our knowledge" or "what is currently believed is". But many in the general public want absolute "truths", and instead seek out "pseudo experts" who will give them the absolute truths they seek. When those "absolute truths" turn out to be wrong, who then is to blame?
I see very few “to the best of our knowledges”

We have very limited, possibly no access to truth. This means our “truths” will always turn out wrong or at least incomplete.

Nobody needs to be blamed for that.

The problem is when people are misled or bullied by overconfident “experts”. We should all recognize the limits of our own knowledge and knowledge in general

A reminder, 65 psi 700x35 tires are no slower than 120 psi 23s. We were all
amazingly wrong.
please don't take anything I say personally, I am an idiot.
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