Thread: "Experts"
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Old 04-01-2024, 08:15 PM
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Yes, that was BS you got taught and the current crop of “facts” has a lot of BS in it as well. We don’t have very many facts at all about dinosaurs so most of the info we think we have is just guessing. Similar situation with planets.

Experts like to turn their guessing into facts but it is a bad habit. We should be more honest about what we actually know.

Originally Posted by Mark McM View Post
Not all of those are BS, strictly speaking. Some of them are over-simplifications, mis-understandings, or simply what the best available evidence tells us.

Our understanding of things is constantly evolving and changing. Largely this happens as new evidence become available. What we know to the best of our knowldge today may be different than it was yesterday, and may be different from what it will be tomorrow. But that doesn't mean that it is strictly BS.

When I was in school, we were told that the dinosaurs were extinct and that Pluto was a planet. Now we are told that not all dinosaurs are extinct and that Pluto is not a planet.. Were we just being told BS back then?
please don't take anything I say personally, I am an idiot.
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