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Old 03-21-2024, 07:56 AM
schvezon schvezon is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Greenpoint, Brooklyn
Posts: 144
Removing stubborn HED decals from rims?

Yesterday I posted a threading asking PL'ers to help out with a 24H Hed Belgium. Look585 came through with a pair(!!!) of NOS 24h Belgium C2s but they are logoless. The HED numbers are still inside the rim bed so they are genuine but they are very stealth and now I'm in the predicament of having a Logo-ed up rear wheel and a very stealth logo-less front wheel.

I've removed the water transfer decals from rims before with heat and a plastic razor blade, with acetone to clean up but the Belgiums are proving to be a whole other beast. Heat does nothing. Acetone did a little to a part of the logo where I suspect the clear coat was thin or absent entirely. I don't want to abrade the logo with something harder than plastic for fear of scratching the rim.

Any thoughts? Experience? I've also written HED with this question as I'm sure they may know the best removal but I'd be surprised if they volunteered the best method for removing their branding.

I was thinking of trying Jasco on the decals but don't know if this will also damage the anodization.
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