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Old 03-18-2024, 12:54 PM
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Originally Posted by jamesdak View Post
Yep, I certainly can tell the difference from a Mountain Lion and a Bobcat. Summer of 1982 up in the mountain above Endless Caverns and farther north but before RT 211. Both Rambler (my horse) and I saw that sucker and had heard it the night before and it freaked me out. It was coming off on one of the loose boulder areas that we were skirting around as it was too loose to take Rambler across. Got a nice long look. Surprised because there were talks of them being seen farther west along the WV border of the county. This mountain ridge is more isolated with I-81 and RT 11 on one side and RT 340 on the other. Still it's a vast chunk of land as I could go up there for days riding in the summer and see no one.
Yup, lots of stories/sightings, but for some reason the wildlife folks always seem to say they're "just likely juveniles moving through and not a breeding population." May be 100% true, but whether it's part of a breeding population or not, they still gotta eat!

My son ran across one a few weeks ago while riding his MTB less than 2 miles from our house here in SD. We know they're further east in the Ramona area, but there aren't supposed to be any as far west as we are....yet they happen. Heck, one was walking around downtown Oceanside last week! Crazy adaptive animals....and yes, the sound is spine chilling. Heard it once while backpacking at Philmont when I as 15 and still freaks me out.
IG: teambikecollector
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