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Old 03-13-2024, 11:30 AM
tootall tootall is online now
Join Date: Jan 2024
Posts: 87
I'm a recent, all-in convert to electronic. I got a new (used) road bike for Christmas with Red AXS and immediately fell hard for it. My previous bike had 2nd gen Red 10-speed, I had kept the cables fresh and never had any complaints but the electronic was a game changer. The low effort at the lever, the quicker shorter throw, and the sharp shifts were a huge leap ahead of what I was used to. It didn't take too long until I was replacing the Eagle AXS X01 shifting on my MTB with AXS, and I've been very pleased with that too. I did the setup on that one and it was SUPER easy. I'm still riding mechanical on my gravel bike, and it's fine as it ever was, no complaints, but I will definitely be going electronic on my next gravel bike and don't anticipate I'll ride another mechanical group.
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