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Old 03-08-2024, 06:50 AM
5oakterrace 5oakterrace is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Middle of nowhere SW New Hampshire
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Keeping bikes

I am 67. I figure, if lucky, I live to 80 maybe longer. Family history at work there. How many years of cycling are left? Maybe 10, 13... No matter what shape I am in now, you slow down - cannot fight ageing. What are odds I end up 85 and cycling all the time? Remote.

So if I am not riding the bike - and I see no future likelihood - it is gone. Sure, I have "room" for it, but what happens if I die suddenly. All I have done is create one more headache for my family who has to dispose of the bikes. It is very hard for family to offload stuff their loved one cherished. So I try minimize that getting rid of stuff.

Books? We had maybe 1000. Now - if we do not figure on reading it again - give it to someone who will. Maybe 150 left. Bikes - if I am not going to ride it much - gone. I have two cf bikes and a titanium. Ti is the back up should the cf crack. I switch them around. I foresee selling one in a few years. Granted I doubt it sells for much but what would the family get? Save them the hassle.

One is on rollers. One for outside. One equipped with easy gears for steep stuff.
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