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Old 03-06-2024, 09:56 AM
jamesdak jamesdak is offline
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Originally Posted by Alistair View Post
Here's a non-scientific blog about the large format film vs 61mp digital for large prints...

tl;dr - for a 48" print, they're close. But that's a 61mp camera, which isn't typical today.

And of course, part of producing and buying art is the process/story. I own some art that looks pretty, but I don't know the back-story and don't feel much connection with - it's just aesthetically pleasing. I also own art where I know the artist, know the story behind the art, and feel a connection with the piece.
I quit the medium format stuff for good once I perfected my technique for crushing it with my Canon 5D. Basically, you take you subject view and then use a telephoto on the 5D vs a wide angle on the medium format. Break the scene up into 20-30 very detailed frames. Merge in the computer to give yourself a huge file that can approach on GB with a native image size of 10 feet by 6 ft (estimate) at 300 dpi. No medium format or large format image can compete.

This image was done with that technic using a Mamiya 645 200/2.8 APO lens adapted to the 5D. I have it downsized and printed at about 5' x 3'. In the full size image there are Elk in the bottom along the creek and each one is clearly detailed.

I resisted going digital for a long time but reality forced me too. Well, that and the fact that I was fully committed to Minolta for 35mm and they called it a day.
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