Thread: Heart issues
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Old 03-06-2024, 07:00 AM
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Originally Posted by blakcloud View Post
I experienced a heart incident about six years ago. Was in the hospital for a week as they tried to figure it out. Eventually a stent was put in and I was ready to go. There are two more inclusions that may or may not get bigger, but need to be monitored.

Physically healing was easy. The after effects of the medication limits what I can do but at least I can ride my bike.

The part nobody talks about is the psychological aspect at least for me. In my cardiac class we were taught about eating, exercise and lifestyle changes, they never addressed the trauma of having a heart attack. As a therapist, I brought this up and they said they definitely needed a program but there was no money to run one.

So I opened up my practice to include those who have experienced heart issues. We examine what happens to them emotionally and what happens to all those connected to the person. For some it is really helpful, for others they need time to process it and then decide the direction they want to go.

Not everyone needs this but keep it in mind as you go through your healing process. (BTW, not advert, there are legal implications for me in who I can counsel)

Good luck with your healing, the body and the mind.

Lets be clear I am biased because of working in mental health so take what I say with a grain of salt.
No doubt about that. A form of PTSD, and addressed by some on my heart 'team'. But, with ya everyday, all day..the worry.

Tough on me and tough on my wife.
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