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Old 03-05-2024, 08:27 AM
.RJ .RJ is offline
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Film has indeed made a big comeback. The price and availability of film during covid was really bad - fortunately things have settled down a bit.

I've been dabbling in photography for a long time and picked back up with film a few years ago. It all started with buying older film (Konica) lenses to adapt to my Fuji mirrorless camera, and I figured I'd get a 35mm SLR to use them too.

Originally Posted by jamesdak View Post
This makes no sense to me. IF I did want to go back to shooting film it would be for a camera much, much more capable than this one. Why buy something like this when there's a gazillion used options out there that will give you better bang for the buck than this, even if the Pentax is dirt cheap. To me this is the equivalent of the $50 turntables you can buy on Amazon.....why?
Why? Because the used 35mm 'point and shoot' style options are all old and getting fragile, prices have gone through the roof, and a lot of them are generally not repairable - or if they are its not cost effective. Or they have a Leica badge on them.

I would really like to see autofocus on this camera, that one really misses the mark for me. I really really want a nice 35mm 'point and shoot' AF camera but the nice ones are coming up on $1000 and the cheaper ones are a roll of the dice and some of the lenses on them are just atrocious. At $20-30 per roll by the time its done I'm not wasting time with ****ty plastic lenses.
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