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Old 03-01-2024, 08:44 PM
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Originally Posted by fa63 View Post
Even though technically the safety margin could be as low as 10%, I doubt engineers at major manufacturers are working with that for normal operating conditions. Enve and Giant are on record saying that they test to at least 150% of the tire rating. I imagine Zipp is in a similar boat.

Whatever caused De Gendt's failure likely falls under the "beyond design basis event" category; I don't think the tires just blew off the rim due to temperature increase or being slightly over-inflated. The question then is, would a hooked rim have held up under the same condition? I don't know the answer, but I will take any additional safety measure I can take when it comes to my wheels and tires, even if it comes at the expense of 15 grams and a little more $$$.
I generally agree, I don't think I would purposely buy hookless.. the Giant I bought happened to have hookless, so I will ride them at gravel pressures and not even think a thing about it.. or I might throw some fatter road tires on there and ride it like that and not think about it.. but I agree, if I bought a set of carbon wheels in the future for road purposes, I would more than likely search out hooked..
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