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Old 02-27-2024, 04:38 AM
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Originally Posted by jimoots View Post
The physics of consuming 60-100g of sugar in an hour through real food is quite difficult if you're doing more than an hour.

E.g. you get 60g of sugar from 100g of dates. Or 10g of sugar from 100g of banana. So on and so forth. Lot of food to carry.

But more to the point. What even is 'real food'?

At the end of the day a gel is sugar mixed up with some liquid and a flavouring, sometimes a little bit of salt. Seriously, take a look at any gel packet ingredients. Incredibly simple stuff. The high tech packaging makes us think its some future food or something. The margin must be insane.

I'm planning on experimenting making my own gels with a soft flask thingy. Sugar, water, salt. If it works I might buy some malto to try and get the malto/fructose ratio closer to optimum than standard sugar.

The appeal is that you don't have to tear gels open mid race... and when you stuff it back in your pocket with a tiny little bit left it doesn't leak all over you.
Have a look at Dr Alex Harrison's YT channel. You might find something interesting in what he promotes for fueling. He posts a lot over in the Slowtwitch forum.

He's a proponent of using table sugar and sodium citrate to formulate your own energy drink.
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